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Eye floaters: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment options

Eye Floaters  Floaters can look like tiny specks in your vision. They may look like black or gray spots, thin threads or spider webs. They may move around when you move your eyes. Floaters disappear when you try to look directly at them. Although they are often harmless, they can sometimes indicate a serious eye condition.  Most floaters are caused by age-related changes that cause the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes to liquefy and shrink. Stray clumps of collagen fibers build up within the vitreous and can cast tiny shadows on your retina. Causes of Eye floater  Age -Related Changes  As you age, the gel-like substance inside your eye shrinks and becomes more fluid, forming clumps or fibers that cast shadows on the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye). Eye Injuries or Inflammation  Trauma or conditions like uveitis (inflammation of the eye) can cause floaters. Bleeding in the Eye Diabetes, hypertension, or blocked blood ves...

Presbyopia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Presbyopia ? Presbyopia is a natural age-related condition in which the eye's ability to focus on near objects is reduced due to the lens becoming stiffer. This happens because the eye's lens becomes less flexible. The condition affects almost everyone to some degree and is not considered a disease but a normal part of the aging process. It usually begins to develop around age 38 or 40 and gets worse by the mid-60s and causes difficulty with reading or other close-up tasks. Causes of Presbyopia Presbyopia is an age-related process these age-related changes occur within the proteins in the lens, which make the lens stiffer and less elastic over time. The main cause of presbyopia is a gradual loss of stiffness and flexibility in the natural lens inside your eye. As you age, the lens gradually loses its flexibility, and is less able to quickly change its shape for close-up viewing. These age-related changes occur within the proteins in the lens, which make the lens stiffer...

Day Blindness (Hemeralopia) Causes Symptoms and Treatment

Day Blindness (Hemeralopia) Daytime blindness, also known as hemeralopia, is a condition in which a person's ability to see clearly in bright light or daylight is reduced, such as during the day or in a brightly lit environment. This is in contrast to nyctalopia (nighttime blindness), where vision is lost in low light conditions. Daytime blindness is characterized by a significant decrease in visual acuity in the eye exposed to the eye, while their vision remains relatively normal in low light or nighttime conditions. Causes of Day Blindness The most common causes of day blindness (hemeralopia) are vitamin and mineral deficiencies and certain genetic developments can cause hemeralopia, chronic or long-term injury or disease affecting the accessory nerve can also cause day blindness. Cataracts: Cloudiness in the lens of the eye can cause sensitivity to bright light and difficulty seeing in daylight or difficulty seeing clearly in any lighting conditions. Cone dystrophy: This is a gr...

Stye: Causes Symptoms & Treatment

 Stye It's caused by a bacterial infection often involving the oil glands of the eyelids,styes can be external on the outside of the eyelid or internal on the inside a styes is a bacterial infection involving one or more of the small glands near the base of your eyelashes. It is similar to a boil or a pimple and is often painful, a styes is a painful red bump on the edge of your eyelid,similar to an acne pimple a styes forms when a tiny oil gland near your eyelashes become blocked and gets infected. Styes are very common and in many cases you can manage them at home but some cases may require treatment by an eye care provider, its common to have a styes on only one eyelid,but its also possible to get styes on both lids a stye usually lasts one to tow weeks and will typically goaway on its own but in coles where it disorders you may need to rely on an eye care provider to drain it. Types of Styes  There are several types of styes also known as hordeolum which are small painful ...