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Showing posts from February, 2024

ANISOMETROPIA Causes/Symptoms &Treatment

What is Anisometropia ? Anisometropia is an ophthalmic condition in which the refractive power of the eyes is unequal. The optical condition with equal refraction in both eyes is called isometropia. When the total refraction of both eyes is unequal then this condition is called anisometropia.This inequality can cause various visual disturbances and significantly affect the quality of life.However, small degrees of anisometropia are not a matter of concern. If it is more than 4 D, it is not tolerated and is a matter of concern.When a person has anisometropia, there is a difference in vision between their two eyes. They will see a smaller image in one eye and a larger image in the other. The result is that their overall vision is often blurred. Anisometropia can also be present at birth, although often it only becomes apparent later in life. Another possible consequence of anisometropia is amblyopia (lazy eye), which can occur when one eye becomes blurry for a period of time and becomes ...