What is Presbyopia ? Presbyopia is a natural age-related condition in which the eye's ability to focus on near objects is reduced due to the lens becoming stiffer. This happens because the eye's lens becomes less flexible. The condition affects almost everyone to some degree and is not considered a disease but a normal part of the aging process. It usually begins to develop around age 38 or 40 and gets worse by the mid-60s and causes difficulty with reading or other close-up tasks. Causes of Presbyopia Presbyopia is an age-related process these age-related changes occur within the proteins in the lens, which make the lens stiffer and less elastic over time. The main cause of presbyopia is a gradual loss of stiffness and flexibility in the natural lens inside your eye. As you age, the lens gradually loses its flexibility, and is less able to quickly change its shape for close-up viewing. These age-related changes occur within the proteins in the lens, which make the lens stiffer...